
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Today in class we got into groups of 3 and we had to read letters 51-60 and everybody in the group has different assignments to do for the letters. My assignment was to do vocabulary. So basically I had to get some words from the text that define then and show where I got them from and why I picked those words. My part was pretty easy but we didn’t get to finish the reading so im going to have to finish it on my own. That’s the only we did in class today because we have to present it tomorrow. Other then that it was a real chill day today. 




 Today in class we had a quiz and I'm pretty sure I didn't pass. For one I wasn't prepared for it and I just wasn’t ready to take a quiz today. My day had already started off rough and I really didn’t even wanna come to school. Then we had to start on our one pager assignment and at first I didn’t know how I wanted to start mines and what letter I wanted to do but then I figured it out and I got started. Thank god he let us take it home and finish it cause I wasn’t finish and I didn’t want to turn in a half assignment cause then my grade was going to come down. Other then that we didn’t really do much in class besides the whiz and the one pager assignment. 


 Today in class we had a long bell ringer. It was 10 questions but they were pretty simple questions. The  questions were pretty much about ourselves and what we would do in certain situations and things of that nature. We did the sponge for a good little minute and then after that we was suppose to read our letters to god that we had to do for homework but we didn't and then we was suppose to go take pictures for the yearbook but they never came and got us and by the time we got done with the sponge which took up half the class we got this assignment which is called a "one pager". So basically for the assignment you have to have the whole page covered with things about the book.  So we have to have a boarder, the title, the authors name, some pictures from what ever letter you do, and some quotes from the letter you were assigned. 

Dear God Letter

 Dear God, I just want Harpo to see me for the woman that I am. He’s got this offensive nickname for me, him call me squeak. They say he call me that because my voice a little high pitched. I don’t think he knows it bothers me. I was born lighter skin.  While I was trying to get Sofia home with the help of my uncle, he raped me. When I got home I had seen how Harpo felt so powerless. Poor Harpo can’t do nothing because if he do he’ll be killed. I finally took Celie’s advice and told Harpo to call me by my name. I started singing and it bring me peace. 


 Today in class we didn’t have a bellringer we got straight into class. We started off by reading the poems we had to do yesterday for homework then after that we started reading letters 36-40 I believe. After they we broke up into groups and started the questions we got and we have to finish the ones we didn’t finish in class for homework. We pretty much did the questions the rest of the class. We also had a level 2 lockdown so we got out of second period a little late because I guess someone had something they wasn’t supposed to so they made a big deal about it.


 Today in class we read letter 29-35 and we took some notes and I don’t really have that many notes cause he didn’t give us that many. As we read the letter we talked about them so that we can get a better understanding of what the letter is really about. Then we got some work towards the end of class  and we had to make a poem using some quotes from the letters that we read and it pretty much took the whole class to read the letters. Other then that class was pretty smooth today oh and the bellringer was simple to. 


Today we finished our benchmark and I honestly don’t know how I did cause I didn’t do my constructive responses cause I didn’t understand them. I feel like I did good on the multiple choice but then that today was a really chill day I was just tired and ready to go home all day but that’s normal for at school. I be so ready to go home early everyday something I don’t even be wanting to come to school but I have to.


 Today in class we started our second benchmark it wasn’t that bad but we only did the multiple choice today and tomorrow we will finish the rest of it. Also today our schedule was weird to we had to go to home room first and then the rest of our classes but the times was messed up so we went to lunch later and we had to stay in third block way longer then usual.


 Today our schedule was kinda off and it’s still going to be off for the next couple of days because some people in the school are testing. So instead of our regular schedule we had to go to home room after first block and then we went to second and then the rest of our classes so the time in the class and everything was just off and it’s going to be the same tmr but I think third block is longer but hopefully it go by fast.


 Today we got a project because I guess someone said something about a project yesterday so he gave us a project today. I also got my notes from yesterday from one of my classmates since I wasn’t here. After that we read some of the book and explained the project and what we had to do. I picked two which was the trash one but I kinda wanna change and pick one cause I think it’ll be easier but I’m going to try and finish it by tonight hopefully I can do a good job 


 Today I didn’t go to school so instead im just going to tell y’all about my day. So when I woke up this morning around like 6 or 7 and decided that I wasn’t going to school I just went back to sleep and then woke up again around 10 and washed my hair. Then I ended up getting my hair done but that’s not the reason I didn’t go to school. I honestly don’t wanna tell the reason I didn’t go to school because that personal to me and I don’t wanna share. Beside that today was really chill I got some work done and did some other things but tomorrow I will be going to school sadly.