
Showing posts from September, 2021


Today in class we had a bell ringer which said what song describes your life and why. The song I used was W.A.Y.S by Jhene Aiko I chose this song because it remind me to keep going in life no matter how hard it because it’s always going to be something good in the end. It also reminds to keep smiling through it all don’t let nothing bring you down. After the bellringer we continued with the rest of the presentation and at to end of class we played kahoot. 


 Today in class in class we didn’t have a bellringer we jumped straight into class and we continued the work we had yesterday. Yesterday Mr.Rease put us in groups and gave us different poems and had different things we had to do in our groups. My group had to summarize, make a connection, and ask questions. Which I feel like was pretty easy and so we were suppose to finish it yesterday and for homework and then present it in class today. Unfortunately one of group members wasn’t here but we still made the best of it and did what we had to do. I’m glad we presented today though so that way tomorrow we don’t have to present. I was actually kinda nervous to present because we had to be in front of the class and I get real bad anxiety when I’m in front of people and their all staring at me but my group did good so it wasn’t so bad. 


 Today in class we started class off with the bell ringer and the question was kinda deep. The question basically said if you could write god a letter what would you say and the bell ringer always ties to the work we’re doing in class. So after I wrote by letter was real deep and heart felt. Mr. Rease passed out the book that we’ve been reading which is called “The Color Purple”. The bell ringer tied to the work because in the book it was letter that Celie wrote and she was talking to god but so far the book is really good. We also did a chart on indirect characterization and we started to answer some questions about the story. 


Today in class Mr. Rease gave us the opportunity to make up any blogs that we didn't have completed. We answered about six questions and they each were twenty points so that's an easy grade that could help me. We did that for most of the class and after that we started another poem. First we read the poem then we talked about it and then we annotated the poem for the rest of the class. The writing prompt that we did at the beginning of class were easy they were just questions we had to really think about. Class was really chill today though other then that. 

Write about a question you wished you'd asked

One question I wished I had asked was "Why do you keep hurting the people you say you love?". I would have asked this question to my dad and some other people because its not fair to say you love some but you constantly hurt them. It hurts to hear someone say they love but they don't show it. It's not good someone to hear or believe something like that and it not be true that sucks. 

Write about when you knew you were in trouble

 A time i knew i was in trouble was when I was younger I was doing something I wasn't suppose to be doing and my mom found out and she came to get me from where I was and she came to get me from where I was and when I got in the car she didn't say nothing and normally when she's made she'll say something but she was quiet the whole way home and then she still didn't say anything to me and then my dad came home and he started yelling and my mom was just sitting there listening to me get yelled at and she didn't say anything to me for the rest of the day. So at that point I knew I was in trouble when they both told don't for nothing or don't ask to go no where. 

Write about what you used to know how to do

One thing i used to know how to do was care about what people thought of me. I'm at a place in life to where someone could say something negative and i wouldn't care. I've learned that some people are always going to have something to say no matter what so you just gotta learn not to care anymore. Once you stop caring about what people say you really get far because when you listen and care about what people say it holds you back. 

Write about what you'd planned to do

 Something I planned to do is get better at doing nails. I came up with a plan of where i wanted to start and how I wanted my set up to be so that I can be successful. I also planned how i wanted to start doing hair and how I wanted to really take things serious. I still do wanna do these things so I can still going to get my plans together so that I can take it serious and start making money from them both or at least one of them. 

Write about something that doesn’t get better

Something that doesn’t get better is losing someone you love. It doesn’t get better because once you lose someone you cant get them back so its always going to be hard no matter what happens. Although life goes on some people don't get over or get better from things like that especially if you were really close with the person or you knew how they passed. I personally would never get better one of my loves one was gone and I knew they were never coming back. 


 Today was my first day back at school in like week and it was pretty chill but I have a lot of work to finish from all my classes and I have to finish my origin myth and I really don’t know how to finish it or what else to say but I have to come up with something because I can’t keep the grade I have I need to bring it up. I might not even be able to finish the origin myth or all of my work but imma try my hardest to try and finish it by tonight. I might have to go to a couple more tutorials so I can get the rest of my grades up cause I’ve really been slacking but it’s just really been a lot going on but I really trying. I’m really doing this for my mom thought because I don’t want her to think she didn’t raise me right or anything because she did I’m just not motivated to really do anything. 


Today we finished our benchmark. Well I didn’t get to finish mines so I have to stay after school tmr so I can finish it but the benchmark is the only thing we’ve done the past two days but I guess at the 11th graders are taking this benchmark so we not the only ones but the test is long and boring and I really don’t like taking test anyways but imma have to take it 


Today class started off a little boring because we had to read and origin myth and answer some questions but then we started playing Kahoot and it was fun we played like three games but we all had fun and we laughed and today was just really and cool and chill day overall 


 Today was a cool day we read a poem and answered some questions. The name of the poem was “we cool” I think and it was about seven boys doing mischievous and careless things like skipping school and creeping out late and looking for sin after we read the poem we annotated got some themes and answer some questions